Preferred Products
Products we know, like and trust. And think you should too.
Minimalist Shoes
For optimal foot health you want to look for these things in a shoe:
1. Wide toe box to be able to spread the toes.
2. Zero Heel Drop: no heel lift so we can lengthen through the muscles of the back of the leg and not compress the low back.
3. Thin soles: so we can be strong, stable and connected with the ground.
When you don’t have these things you are essentially casting your foot everyday inhibiting its ability to be flexible and strong causing a whole host of problems like bunions and plantar fasciitis over time.
My favorite brands of minimalist shoes: & best quality and best looking of the barefoot shoes. The thinnest of the soles. Most expensive. Great price, not quite as thin as the above mentioned but still very flexible. Not as stylish as the above. A lot thicker. More of a barefoot transition shoe. A good shoe if you do want a little more support before you dive fully into barefoot style shoes. Priced similar to the xeros. Maybe more costly sometimes. Better looking.

Blue Light Blocking Glasses
You’ll want the red glasses for maximum effect for improved sleep, energy levels, and mental clarity. When we can block all the blue light at night this allows the body to prepare for sleep long before we lay down in bed. Blue light at night is extremely stimulating to the body, inhibiting your ability to secrete melatonin. When you block it all with the red glasses at night you start secreting melatonin right away allowing you to get true deep and restful sleep. Ideally you wear them right when the sun goes down. But if you can put them on 2-3 hours before bed that is typically a sufficient amount of time for your body to start secreting melatonin to get deep and restorative sleep.