What to Expect
Before your First Visit
If you are ready to finally get out of chronic pain, then Space Chiropractic is ready to guide you along that path.
After booking your first appointment our team will email or text you a link to our online paperwork. We ask that you provide as much detail as possible in order to serve you with the best care to overcome your health challenges. You must have the online paperwork filled out before your first visit to the office or your first appointment will be rescheduled.
Your First Visit
This is a time for us to connect with you and listen. To learn not only about your health challenges you are looking to overcome but also to get to know you as a person.
After consulting one on one and reviewing your paperwork we will perform a detailed assessment. Starting with our digital posture and squat analysis to see how your body has been compensating because of pain and dysfunction over years and potentially decades. Next we will zoom in with a functional movement assessment to further determine what is limiting your body from moving pain free. Finally we will perform a chiropractic spinal stress exam to locate the specific joints in your spine that are compressed and inflamed causing your bad posture and chronic pain. And then we will end with a full body adjustment to determine the severity of the degenerative/dysfunctional/painful process that is occurring.
Once your history, exam and first adjustment is complete Dr. Karch will go over your health goals and exam findings to determine if our office is the best fit for you and your needs.
Plan for your first appointment to take approximately 1 hour.
Your Second Visit
You'll begin your second visit with the report of findings. During this time you'll receive a folder with your digital posture and squat photos and your Chiropractor will explain why you feel the way you're feeling. He will make the connections from your identified compensation patterns and how that is related to your pain. Here we will discuss the custom plan going forward to mobilize, stabilize and strengthen your body to eliminate your chronic pain and start towards a life full of more vibrant health and well-being.
Plan for this second appointment to take approximately 30 to 45 minutes.